Whenever I visit a site I’ve never seen before, my first stop is the About Page. With the technology we have today, just about anyone can create a website within minutes. WordPress allows you to create a blog. Thinkific allows you to create an online course site.
So if I’m going to spend time on a site, or buy something from it, I want to know who owns that site. I want to read their stories and determine if they are trustworthy people.
Turns out I’m not the only one who does this. In fact, About Pages are some of the most trafficked sites on the internet. 92% of consumers want brands to tell more stories. And one way to do that is to tell your personal story in your About Page.
That means most people who visit your online course site want to know more about you. They want to read your personal story and they want to see proof that you’re the expert you claim you are before they decide to invest in your course.
To help you do this, we’re proud to announce our latest feature – Additional Pages!
New feature: add additional custom pages to your @thinkific school. #onlinecourse #teachonline Share on XCommon Uses For Additional Pages
Additional pages, as the name suggests, allow you to create custom pages in addition to the course landing pages on your Thinkific school. You can then link to these pages from your social media profiles, blogs, forums, and other websites.
In this post, we’ll go through some of the most common use cases for creating additional pages and how to actually create one with Thinkific.
The About Me Page
As I mentioned earlier, About Me pages receive a lot of traffic because people want to read your story. It’s the best way to build trust with new visitors and get them to believe in you as an expert and instructor.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when creating your About page:
Tell your story – Get personal with your readers. Tell them the story of how you got to where you are today. Your journey will serve as an inspiration to your readers who are probably about to start their own journeys. In her About page, Elizabeth Rider tells us where she grew up, where she went to study, why she wasn’t satisfied with her job and how she quit to start her own online course business.
Talk about your ‘why’ – Your why is the reason you do what you do. As an online course creator, you’re helping people by educating them. Your students want to know why you do it. Are you in it just for the money, or do you really care about educating people. If you look at Elizabeth’s page again, you’ll notice she does a good job of it.
Define your audience – The About page is a good place to let people know about your site in general and who it serves. Hopefully, you have a defined niche, and you can explain that so that your visitors understand that you’ve created your courses specifically for them. Deanne Love, who create hula-hooping courses, explains who her site is for and suggests resources for new visitors to look at.
Be a human – Finally, just remember that you’re talking to humans, and your visitors want to know that they’re dealing with a human too. Share interesting things about yourself, like your hobbies or a funny incident that happened to you. Tash Corbin, a business coach for women entrepreneurs, talks about her love for cars and why her boyfriend calls her ‘Google’.
If you haven’t created a compelling About page yet, it’s time to start. Follow the instructions below to set up your own About page.
The Lead Magnet Page
Lead magnets are a great way to build your email list while also giving away value up front for free. The easiest way to create a lead magnet for your courses is to pull videos from one of your paid courses and package it into an introductory free course using our regular course landing pages.
However, if you want to create a PDF, eBook, or email course instead, a separate lead magnet page might make sense. On this page you can explain what the lead magnet is about and embed an opt-in form, like ConvertKit, to deliver the lead magnet.
Nathan Barry has a pretty cool page for this. He doesn’t offer a lead magnet, but he does offer his best content.
The FAQ Page
We often recommend adding an FAQ section to your course landing pages, to answer any common objections people might have about buying your course. However, if you’re often asked questions that can apply to any course, you might want to create a general FAQ page for your entire academy.
Search through your communications with students to find questions that apply to your entire site and answer them on your FAQ page.
The Testimonials Page
In Thinkific you have the ability to collect reviews from your students for each course on your site. However, you may have some rave testimonials from people who have taken your in-person coaching, seen you online somewhere else, attended your seminar, read your book, or learned from you through other means. These testimonials may not fit into any course in particular, but you can display them on a multi-purpose Testimonials page.
Market Campus does this well. They used to run in-person workshops and collected real reviews from students to display on their site as social proof. As you can see, they’ve also added names and pictures to lend authenticity to the review.
The Services Page
As an expert, you probably also offer additional consulting services related to your expertise. A services page will allow you to promote your consulting services and drive additional revenue to your business. Use this page to explain exactly what you offer and let readers know what their next steps are to hiring you. See Dorie Clark’s Consulting Page for inspiration.
The Resources Page
A resource page is a great place to display all your top resources in one location. You may have some free lead magnets, eBooks, or detailed blog posts that your visitors might benefit from. It gives them lots of value up front to build trust and gets them to subscribe or come back for more.
You can even add resources from other sites that you think will help your customers. When you link out to other people, they’ll share the page and will be more likely to link to you in return. That way you build relationships with other people in your industry and your resources page becomes a traffic generator. Have a look at Paul Ramondo’s resources page for inspiration.
The Contact Me Page
Contact pages also lend credibility to your business by showing people that you are a real person who can be emailed, called or even visited by students. Even if people don’t actually contact you, they want to know that you’re open to it. After, if you have nothing to hide, then why hide your contact details?
The Other Products Page
If you’re selling other products, either as an affiliate, or products that you’ve made yourself, you can put them all into one page for easy access.
Cinechopper University, a site that sells courses on drone photography, also has branded swag on sale.
How To Create Additional Pages
If you’re a Thinkific course creator, you should have already seen this feature in your dashboard. It’s a simple 3-step process to create a new page.
Step 1:
Hit ‘Create a page’ in the Pages section of your dashboard. This will open up a screen where you can add the name of your page, like About Me, the slug, which appends to your domain name to form the page URL, and page content. The editor is extremely versatile, so you can add text, images, audio, video, external links, embedded content, and even custom HTML. Be sure to hit ‘Save’ regularly! You can also preview the page to see what it looks like.
Step 2:
If you’re ready and all looks good, go ahead and publish the page by selecting the ‘Published’ checkbox. Save it again and the page will be live! You can also select ‘Private’ if you only want logged-in users to see the page.
Step 3:
The final step is to create a link to this page in your site header. Fill in what you want the link to say (eg: About Me), select where you want the link to appear in your header, and set how you want the page to open (in the same window or a new one). Hit create to generate the link, and you’re done! You can view the full documentation here – Custom Pages Documentation.
As you can see, it’s pretty easy to set this up. This feature is available on all our plans, so you can take advantage of this immediately! If you don’t have a Thinkific site yet, you can create one for free in a few seconds.