Between Pi day and St. Patrick’s day celebrations, it’s been March Madness here at Thinkific!
This month we set out to improve and create new options for subscribers to your online courses and/or bundles. Running a membership site has never been better with Thinkific. On top of that, we’ve introduced new Admin Dashboard menus, and new options for your Zapier integration to help make your workflows more efficient.
We’ve also released brand new guides, training, and resources that can help you get a personal brand together, and introduce you to tools we love here at HQ like Typeform, Unbounce, Hootsuite, and Canva. Read on to find out more!
New Free Training and Resources
Build your personal brand in 7 easy steps
If you’re teaching online, you have a brand (whether you know it or not). A brand is what distinguishes you from your competitors and sets the stage for trust-building with your audience. A personal brand is different from a regular brand in that it directly incorporates you as a person and your expert story.
Making sure your brand works for your business is incredibly important, and can be quite challenging. That’s why we put together a personal branding guide to help you make your expert story work for your online education business.
Tops tips for entrepreneurs & answers to common questions
Since last year, we’ve been working on a new series for our YouTube channel, formerly known as Teach Online TV. We’re excited to share our new series, which aims to answer the most frequent questions we get asked about teaching online.
As well, we’ll cover the best tools for course creators to leverage for their business. Through the lens of an education company, we’ve reviewed survey tools, social media scheduling apps, landing page builders, and more.
What’s new to Thinkific?
Create member’s only areas for your course website
Membership sites are websites designed to serve your customers both inside and outside of the course environment. That means your learning experience tends to drift away from your Course Player into discussion areas, and extra or bonus content libraries.
Now, you can host those special member’s only areas right on your course site via private custom pages! We’ve updated the options for additional pages on your course site to enable you to lock access to the enrollment status of a specific course or bundle on your Thinkific website.
This means you can now host membership resources, extras, webinar replays, downloads, apps, and other amazing tools and goodies for members right on your course site, without the general public or unsubscribed students getting access.
Initial fees & free trial periods for subscription prices
Additional content outside of the Course Player isn’t the only thing membership sites are getting this month! We’ve also released more options for Thinkific’s subscription pricing option including a free trial period and custom first price.
Offer free trials and accept higher or lower initial fees when students subscribe for access to a course or bundle. These trials and fees roll over to a regular subscription rate after they’re processed.
More Zaps to help automate your workflows
We know there are a million things to do when you’re running your business so we want to make your workflows simpler, and more automated. If you’re already integrated with Zapier, you know how amazing it is to let this service take care of simple and manual tasks for you.
We know it’s an integral part of many of your toolboxes, so we wanted to upgrade this integration with more triggers! You can now trigger actions in other tools when students complete lessons, and you can search your user base as a part of a zap.
Updated Admin Dashboard menus help you get around Thinkific!
Adding all these amazing features means making the Thinkific Dashboard more robust. But that doesn’t mean we need to make using it more confusing.
We’ve updated your website’s admin menus to make getting around a little easier. And no worries, we didn’t get rid of anything! All the actions have just been bucketed into menus that make more sense.
Log in to your Admin Dashboard to see the changes. Let us know what you think!
What’s Happening at Thinkific HQ?
Sunny San Diego and Social Media Marketing World
We joined some of our favorite course creators down in sunny San Diego for Social Media Marketing World and the Traction & Conversion Conference.
Celebrating International Women’s Day and Ladies Learning Code
We’re also proud to celebrate the women of Thinkific and to host Ladies Learning Code at Thinkific HQ.
That’s it for March!
Thanks for reading! We’ll be back next month for another round-up of the best Thinkific has to offer.
If you’re interested in learning more about how we develop features, resources, or what we’ve been up to, don’t hesitate to drop us a line. We’d love to hear from you!