This content was created from a previous year of Think in Color. Register for the on-demand replays here!
When you’re just starting as an entrepreneur, there are so many things that you don’t know. No matter how much time you dedicate to soaking up knowledge through books and maybe even an online course or two, some things you have to experience to grasp fully. Just ask Destinee Berman, Kyshira Moffett, and Candace Juneé— three digital entrepreneurs and esteemed panelists for our upcoming 3rd annual Think In Color virtual event.
The truth of the matter is no two entrepreneurial journeys will look the same. Think In Color was founded with the mission to drive forward inclusivity in online spaces, showcasing the entrepreneurial journeys of underrepresented communities. If you’re at the beginning of your entrepreneurial venture or just looking to learn from the pros like Destinee, Kyshira, Candace, and other women shaking up the digital landscape, Think in Color is where you need to be on July 27-28th.
Here are some of the things that three of our event speakers wished they knew before becoming entrepreneurs—they learned the hard way so you don’t have to.
Want to learn about the sessions and lineup of speakers? Check out this Think In Color overview.
Build a foundation by creating a “signature offer”

“Go all-in on your signature offer (aka your flagship course)! In the beginning, I stretched myself too thin by attempting to sell multiple courses, digital products, and various service packages. I was overwhelmed, frustrated, and struggling to meet my revenue goals. I resisted pivoting to having a signature offer because it didn’t make sense to me that having ONE offer could produce better results— this was a limiting belief holding me back.
Once I created my signature offer, my sales skyrocketed, and I grew my business from next to nothing to six figures in one year. Today, I have a diversified product suite, but it only works because I built a solid foundation with my signature offer.”
Focus on the present moment but continue to plan for your future growth

“What I learned from selling online courses and digital products is that you’re continually growing your audience, especially if you’re leveraging advertising. Each has its strengths, but growing your audience 24/7 is key. You want to constantly be growing and having follow-up sequences to build that relationship digitally, but you also need to make sure that there is a course market fit for the group of people you’re looking to serve.
Looking back at day one, I wish I mapped out short-term and long-term goals instead of only focusing on quarterly revenue goals. You want to look ahead and identify where you want to invest when it comes to infrastructure, building out organic traffic, etc., so that you are growing your business in a way that creates more freedom and space. If you invest in both (short-term and long-term), you’ll be able to create more space and build upon the foundation you have from day one.”
Focus on your journey—add value to your customers but know your worth

“I wish I knew my journey to success as an entrepreneur would not look like everyone else’s. After selling courses, I’ve learned that my knowledge is extremely valuable, and people are willing to pay for the things I know – even if I can’t always see the value at first. On day one, I’d tell myself to FOCUS on adding value, pricing premium, and getting a solid sales strategy in place for my courses. Creating the course is half the battle, but marketing + selling the course is just as important!
One of the biggest mistakes I’ve made in the past was packing a TON of value into a course and attaching an extremely low price point to it. Now I have two different strategies with my digital content. (1) I sell low-priced digital courses with bite-sized information that still helps my audience achieve a result, and (2) I sell high-ticket courses that help my clients achieve a highly-valued result and offer in-depth training.”
For our Think In Color two-day summit, we’ve enlisted a team of experts—all women of Color— thriving in their respective digital businesses. No matter where you are in your entrepreneurial journey, you don’t want to miss the chance to catch all of the gems that this incredible panel will be dropping. Sign up today, and remember to bring your notepad!