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Coaching is a very, very human business. People seek out coaches when they need learning and motivation from another human being… when YouTube videos, workout plans, or self-directed courses aren’t enough. That means coaching is actually quite protected from being replaced by AI. It’s built on top of that person-to-person connection.

Of course, while the robots won’t replace coaches, they’re still going to change the coaching industry. Coaches who are able to tap into the power of AI tools like ChatGPT are likely going to give themselves an edge over the competition.

We’ve broken down the best ChatGPT prompts for coaches looking to improve their client communication, produce more content, and build stronger relationships with the people they support.

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Example prompt: Application of coaching models in coaching practice

Let’s start by diving right into the weeds with a detailed prompt that can help you apply various coaching techniques and models in your coaching practice

“You are a professional coach using the [specific coaching model]. Your task is to create a session plan for the goal titled [Coaching Goal]. This session is part of a broader coaching program aimed at [Target Audience].The objectives for this session are [Objective 1, Objective 2, Objective 3]. Here are some key areas this session should cover: [Key Area 1, Key Area 2, Key Area 3].

Using the principles of the [specific coaching model], please create a session plan including the following sections:

  1. Title: [Coaching Goal]
  2. Objectives: As stated above
  3. Key areas: As stated above
  4. Session content: Detailed content covering the objectives and key areas
  5. Activity suggestions: Engaging activities to reinforce the discussed concepts
  6. Assessment methods: Methods to assess the understanding and progress of the coachee.

Remember to follow the steps or principles of the [specific coaching model] throughout your session plan creation.”


Note: Input your desired task and the specific coaching model you’d like to use. Here are some common coaching models/frameworks/acronyms:

  1. GROW Model (Goal, Reality, Options, Will)
  2. CLEAR Model (Contracting, Listening, Exploring, Action, Review)
  3. OSCAR Model (Outcome, Situation, Choices, Actions, Review)
  4. TGROW Model (Topic, Goal, Reality, Options, Will)
  5. COACH Model (Context, Outcomes, Awareness, Choices, Highlight Actions)

Before we dive into the more granular tasks, here are a few more key prompts that coaches can use:

TaskExample prompt
1. Developing coaching programs

Creating a structured coaching program with defined timelines and goals.

You are a [coach] specializing in [12-week coaching programs]. Your task is to generate a detailed [12-week coaching program outline] that includes [key milestones], [weekly topics], and [action steps].
2. Client onboarding

Streamlining the process of onboarding new clients and ensuring a smooth transition.

You are a [coach] looking to improve your client onboarding process. Your task is to create an [onboarding checklist] that includes [key information to gather], [welcome materials], and [initial assessment questions].
3. Worksheets

Providing clients with interactive and engaging worksheets to enhance their learning experience.

You are a [coach] specializing in [relationship coaching]. Your task is to create a [communication skills worksheet] that includes [exercises for active listening], [conflict resolution techniques], and [reflection questions].
4. Call scripts

Developing scripts for coaching calls to ensure consistency and effective communication.

You are a [coach] conducting [sales calls]. Your task is to generate a [sales call script] that includes [introduction], [qualifying questions], and [closing techniques].
5. Session templates

Creating templates for coaching sessions to streamline the planning process.

You are a [coach] preparing for [career coaching sessions]. Your task is to create a [career exploration session template] that includes [icebreaker activities], [goal-setting exercises], and [action planning].
6. Webinar series

Planning and organizing a series of webinars to educate and engage the audience.

You are a [coach] hosting a [wellness webinar series]. Your task is to generate a [webinar series outline] that includes [topics for each webinar], [estimated duration], and [audience engagement strategies].
7. Social media content

Creating engaging content for social media platforms to attract and connect with clients.

You are a [coach] focusing on [life coaching]. Your task is to generate [social media content ideas] for [Instagram] that include [inspirational quotes], [tips for personal growth], and [client success stories].
8. Lead generation

Developing strategies to generate leads and expand your client base.

You are a [coach] specializing in [business coaching]. Your task is to provide [lead generation ideas] for [targeting small business owners] that include [content marketing], [networking events], and [referral programs].

Creating your coaching programs and materials

Developing a content strategy for coaching programs

A well-developed content strategy helps drive impact for coaching programs. ChatGPT can generate a comprehensive content strategy considering the program’s objectives, target audience, and delivery method.

  • Develop a content strategy for my coaching program focusing on [leadership development for middle managers]. The program will be delivered [online over a 12-week period]. The target audience is [mid-level managers in tech companies].”
  • [You are an expert in developing content strategies. I want to create content for my program “Leadership for Women”. The subtopics are Empowering Communication, Building Confidence, Balancing Personal and Professional Life. Please help me build a content strategy.]
  • [As a content strategist, I need to plan content around “Mindfulness and Meditation”. The subtopics are Stress Management, Mindful Living, Incorporating Meditation in Daily Life. Please suggest a content strategy.]
  • [You are skilled at content strategy. I need to generate content for my program “Career Coaching for Graduates”. The subtopics include Job Hunting, Resume Writing, Interview Skills. Please develop a content strategy.]

Developing a group coaching program

Group coaching programs allow coaches to help multiple individuals at the same time. This can increase profitability (more money in for the same time spent) and having multiple people in the group also increases accountability. ChatGPT can assist in designing this type of program, considering factors like the group size, common objectives, and delivery format.

Example prompt:

Help me design a group coaching program for [aspiring entrepreneurs]. The program should cover [business plan creation, fundraising, marketing, and team management]. The group size will be [10-12 participants].


Developing a 12-week coaching program

A structured coaching program spread over a defined period helps prospective customers know when to expect some transformation. If you’re building out a coaching program but aren’t sure how to split it over a time period, ChatGPT can help.

Example prompt:

Develop a plan for a 12-week coaching program on [personal development]. The target audience is [young professionals looking for personal growth]. Each week should focus on a different topic.


Generating an outline for a coaching session

Want to make sure your coaching program is as comprehensive as possible? ChatGPT can help you outline your program, identifying key topics, structuring the sessions, and setting measurable outcomes. This ensures a smooth flow and effective coverage of all key points and student expectations.

Example prompts: 

  • You are a proficient session planner. I’m conducting a coaching session on Conflict Resolution. The main points are [Understanding Conflict, Conflict Management Styles, Conflict Resolution Techniques]. Please create a detailed session outline.
  • Generate an outline for a 12-week [leadership development] coaching program targeted at [mid-level managers]. The program should include weekly topics, key learning objectives, and expected outcomes for the participants.
  • As a session planner, I need to create a session on “Career Growth”. The main points include Setting Career Goals, Skill Development, Networking. Please help me generate a session outline.
  • You are experienced at planning sessions. My session is about “Healthy Lifestyle for Busy Professionals”. The main points are Time Management, Quick Healthy Meals, Exercise for Busy Schedules. Please create a session outline.


Session plan development

ChatGPT can also help coaches develop detailed plans for each coaching session, including the main focus, activities, and reflection points.

Example prompts:

“Develop a worksheet for a [leadership development] coaching session on [effective communication]. The worksheet should include key points to remember, activities for self-practice, and reflection prompts.”

“Create a detailed plan for the first session of my [leadership development] coaching program, focusing on the topic of [effective communication]. The session should include a mix of teaching, interactive activities, and reflection.”


Creating effective workshop descriptions

Your coaching participants need to be excited about the workshops and the value they’ll get out of this. To achieve this, you’ll need to write compelling descriptions that clearly communicate the key takeaways they’ll get from the workshop.

Example prompts:

  • [You are a skilled copywriter. Here’s the title of my workshop: The Power of Effective Communication. The key takeaways are: [Improved Listening Skills, Persuasive Speaking, Nonverbal Communication]. The target audience is [Mid-level Managers]. Please create a compelling workshop description.]
  • As a copywriter, please create a workshop description for my workshop titled “Emotional Intelligence at Workplace”. The key takeaways include Self-awareness, Empathy, Self-regulation. The target audience is Team Leaders. 
  • You are an experienced copywriter. My workshop is titled [Mindfulness for Stress Management]. The key takeaways are [Understanding Mindfulness, Benefits of Mindfulness, Mindfulness Techniques. The target audience is General Public.] Please write a compelling workshop description.


Training material generation

Most coaches use training materials to help their clients process and apply what they’re learning. ChatGPT can help generate lesson plans, exercises, or case studies based on the coach’s requirements, to save you the trouble of starting from scratch.

Example prompts

  • “Create a lesson plan on [developing emotional intelligence], including a brief overview, three main sections, exercises for each section, and a conclusion.”
  • “Create an outline for training materials for a course on [effective communication skills for coaches]. The materials should cover [verbal and non-verbal communication, active listening, asking powerful questions, and providing effective feedback].”


Launching an online course from coaching materials and worksheets

Once you have a pile of existing coaching materials or worksheets, these resources can form the basis of a course and help you diversify your income streams. Feed them into ChatGPT and prompt it to plan the course structure, content, and delivery method for a related course.

Example prompt:

“Create an outline for an online course based on my coaching materials and worksheets on {stress management techniques}. The course should include {video lectures, interactive assignments, and quizzes}.


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Getting more coaching clients and marketing your coaching business

Creating a promotional strategy for a coaching program

Once you’re confident in your coaching program, it’s time to establish your promotional strategy. If you’re not a natural marketer, ChatGPT can craft a strategy that uses suitable channels and tactics to help promote your specific program.

Example prompt:

  • [You are a marketing strategist. Here’s my coaching program: “Leadership Development for Young Professionals”. The key benefits are: Improved Leadership Skills, Greater Career Growth, Increased Confidence. The target audience is Young Professionals. I plan to promote on these channels: LinkedIn, Email Newsletter, Instagram. Please create a detailed promotion strategy.]
  • [As a marketing strategist, I need to promote my program “Mindfulness for Stress Management”. The key benefits include Reduced Stress, Improved Focus, Enhanced Well-being. The target audience is Working Professionals. The promotional channels are Facebook, Blog, YouTube. Please develop a promotion strategy.]
  • [You are skilled at marketing. My coaching program is “Career Coaching for Graduates”. The key benefits are Job Placement, Resume Building, Interview Skills. The target audience is Recent Graduates. The promotional channels are LinkedIn, Email Newsletter, University Forums. Please create a promotion strategy.]


Developing a content strategy for coaching programs

Alongside your promotional strategy, you’ll want a content strategy to help you plan your content creation. This could cover what types of content, what content channels you’ll use, how much content or how frequently you’ll produce it, and more.

Example prompt: 

  • [You are an expert in developing content strategies for coaching programs. I want to create content around the main program Leadership Development. Here are some subtopics: [Effective Communication, Conflict Resolution, Emotional Intelligence]. Please help me build a content strategy.]


Brainstorming blog post ideas for a coaching blog

A blog can be a powerful channel for attracting and engaging new coaching customers. ChatGPT excels at brainstorming, and can feed you post ideas related to your coaching niche.

Example prompts:

  • You are a creative content generator. My coaching niche is [Career Development]. Here are some seed terms: [Career Planning, Resume Writing, Interview Skills]. Please brainstorm blog post ideas using these terms.
  • You are a creative content generator. My coaching niche is Career Development. Here are some seed terms: [Career Planning, Resume Writing, Interview Skills.] Please brainstorm blog post ideas using these terms.
  • As a creative content strategist, I need blog post ideas for my coaching niche: Personal Development. The seed terms are: [Self-Awareness, Goal Setting, Time Management.] Please provide some blog post ideas. 
  • You are skilled at generating content. My coaching niche is [Leadership Development]. The seed terms are: [Communication Skills, Decision Making, Team Building]. Please brainstorm blog post ideas.


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Client communication

Coaches tend to be some of the strongest communicators out there. But sometimes they’re better at communicating in person or via certain channels than others. Scheduling sessions and sending reminders, drafting personalized emails, and providing relevant resources are all important forms of communication for supporting your client’s growth and development.

Client onboarding

A smooth onboarding process helps establish a strong relationship with coaching clients from the start. ChatGPT can create a client onboarding plan that makes new clients feel welcomed and informed.

Example prompt:

Outline a client onboarding process for my [personal development] coaching program. The process should cover [initial contact, needs assessment, agreement signing, introduction to the coaching process, and first-session planning].


Email drafting

Most coaches today use email to communicate with clients, sending personalized advice, session summaries, and next steps. However, drafting these emails can be time-consuming, which is where ChatGPT comes in..

Example prompt: 

“Compose an email to my client, [Client’s name], summarizing the key points we discussed in our session. Here are the details from the session: 

[imput session details, notes]


Coaching session follow-up emails

A follow-up email after each coaching session helps reinforce the learning and assignments for the client. Craft personalized follow-up emails that summarize the session and outline next steps with ChatGPT’s help.

Example prompt:

“Write a follow-up email for [client’s name] summarizing our coaching session on [effective communication]. Include the [key takeaways, assignments for the next session, and words of encouragement].”


Scheduling and reminders

Keeping track of various client appointments and ensuring clients are reminded of upcoming sessions is a crucial part of coaching. While you’ll likely want a CRM or calendaring software to help automate the sends, the actual content of the messages can be crafted with the help of ChatGPT.

Example prompt: 

“Draft a friendly reminder for [Client’s name] about our coaching session scheduled for [date and time] The coaching session is on: [coaching session topic]. Their homework was to [list what they were working on].”


Dealing with difficult conversations

Coaches may need to navigate difficult conversations with clients at times. These are messages you want to consider carefully and really invest time into. ChatGPT can act as a second set of eyes in these cases, helping to frame these conversations tactfully and professionally and giving a strong start on which to build.

Example prompt:

“Help me draft a message to [client’s name] addressing their [lack of progress and commitment] in the [leadership development] coaching program. The message should be [constructive and supportive].”


Client feedback requests

Feedback from clients is invaluable for improving coaching programs and techniques. Craft emails that encourage clients to share their experiences and suggestions.

Example prompt:

“Draft a feedback request email to [client’s name] who has completed the [personal development] coaching program. The email should ask for their [feedback on the program, any improvements they suggest, and their overall experience].”


Client termination letter

Sometimes, it may be necessary to end the coaching relationship due to various reasons. No one loves this part of the job. It’s often a letter that you might dwell on for days or weeks. ChatGPT can assist in writing a respectful and professional client termination letter to get you over that hump.

Example prompt:

“Compose a termination letter for my client [client’s name] due to [reasons for termination]. The letter should convey [appreciation for their time, the reasons for termination, and best wishes for their future].”


Celebratory Messages for client milestones

On a more positive note, celebrating client achievements can motivate them and strengthen the coach-client relationship. Get some AI help to draft personalized celebratory messages for client milestones.

Example prompt:

“Write a congratulatory message for [client’s name] who has achieved their goal of [specific milestone, e.g., promotion at work]. The message should [acknowledge their hard work, celebrate the achievement, and encourage future success].”

Client development

This is really what coaching is all about, right? Coaches work closely with clients to help them set and achieve their goals. This includes creating personalized plans, setting milestones, and tracking progress.

Goal setting and progress tracking

Coaches help their clients set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals and track their progress over time. Turn to ChatGPT for help with formulating these goals and developing tracking methods.

Example prompt:

 “Help me create a personalized plan for [Client’s name] to achieve their goal of improving public speaking skills, including key milestones such as delivering a presentation to a small group, participating in a public speaking workshop, and giving a talk at a local event.”


Client progress reports

Regular progress reports are a crucial part of the coaching journey, allowing clients to see their growth and remaining areas for improvement. 

Example prompt:

“Draft a client progress report for [client’s name], who has been part of the [leadership development] coaching program for [8 weeks]. Highlight their [achievements, areas of improvement, and goals for the next phase].”


Role-playing scenarios

For certain types of coaching, like executive or business coaching, role-playing scenarios can be beneficial. But people also find them awkward or uncomfortable. To make them more enjoyable and engaging, use ChatGPT to create realistic scenarios for clients that actually push their goals.

Example prompt:

“Generate a role-playing scenario where [Client’s name] has to negotiate a business deal involving a potential partnership with another company.”


“Put me in coach!” – ChatGPT

Every coach, like every coaching client, has strengths and weaknesses. The real value of a tool like ChatGPT is simplifying the difficult areas of your business so you can invest more time in driving change for the people you work with. The right prompt can unlock time or enhance the work you’ve put in, helping you scale your coaching business.  

Interested in learning more about how to write great chatGPT prompts? Watch our video below!