Fiona Humberstone

Multi-Tenant LMS

Every audience is different. Your LMS doesn’t need to be.

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Multiple environments
for multiple opportunities.

Multiple Environments

Offer multiple environments–without multiple logins. Deliver and manage custom branded online academies to multiple audiences seamlessly from one user-friendly portal.

Single Sign On OpenID Connect

Integrate your learning environment into your existing website with single sign-on (SSO) for a seamless brand experience.

Unlimited Admins

Give your team more control with unlimited Course, Group, and Site admin accounts.

Computer with Thinkific on it

One platform,
multiple audiences

Easily accommodate various use cases. Serve multiple internal and external audiences with a single platform and plan, saving software and training costs, Whether it's customer education, partner training, or employee development, accommodate various stakeholders' requirements while keeping separate and secure environments.

working at computer

Go global

Expand to new countries — and markets — by offering your learning products in local languages.

Choose from over 39 languages that are supported by the Thinkific Plus course builder. Accept payments in 100+ countries and charge the appropriate taxes based on your students’ location.

Procurify Logo

“We started off with internal training products, then quickly scaled to customer training — all from the same platform and with similar content.

Jacob Sewell
Education Training and Certifications Manager, Procurify
Coworkers laughing together

Case Studies

Designed for heroes of customer success

Help your customers — and your business — grow with customer education. Thinkific Plus has supported thousands of mid and large-scale companies exceed expectations to win customers for life.

View all Case Studies


Scale your business with online learning

Browse Thinkific’s Blog to learn more about top online learning trends and news, and how our platform is helping hundreds of organizations drive results. Discover how Thinkific Plus can help amplify customer engagement, retention and revenue for your business through the power of online learning.

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  • People working at a table
    34 min read
    The Ultimate Guide to Customer Success

    A customer success strategy is all about helping customers achieve their goals.

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  • An office presentation
    9 min read
    Customer Education 101: How To Kickstart Your Program

    Have your customers hit a roadblock in maxing out your product’s potential?

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  • Blog on a computer
    8 min read
    Optimizing Customer Success through Customer Education Strategy

    Reduced churn, customer retention, product adoption, and customer success.

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  • An office desk with a laptop on it
    15 min read
    SaaS Renewal Management

    Discover effective strategies and best practices for SaaS renewal management.

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  • Group of people working together
    16 min read
    8 Free Customer Success Certifications and Training Programs

    Free customer success certifications and training programs.

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Asked Questions

Thinkific supports seven distinct user types, each designed for specific roles within the platform. For a comprehensive breakdown of each role, refer to Site Owner and User Roles.

Currently, Thinkific Analytics provides activity monitoring on a site-by-site basis. We are actively developing a solution to enable analytics across all environments for Plus customers, anticipated to launch later this year!

Access to the admin dashboard is primarily granted to the Site Owner and Site Admin roles. Other roles have limited access. For more details on each role's capabilities, visit Site Owner and User Roles.

Yes, the admin dashboard enables Site Owners and Site Admins to manage different user roles with appropriate permissions effectively. Learn more about the dashboard's functionalities at Admin Dashboard: A Closer Look.

Educated customers are loyal customers

Talk to one of our experts to find out how Thinkific Plus can help your team launch customer experiences that drive revenue and retention.

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