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AI can help unfurl your ideas, and get you past a blank page. Here's a giant list of ChatGPT prompts for YouTubers - Including Midjourney thumbnail prompts!

While more and more AI video tools are coming out of the woodwork, nothing compares to the real thing. People follow YouTubers for their personality, their perspective, their unique genius, and no robot is going to replace those anytime soon. 

All that said, YouTubers can make use of these emerging technologies to benefit them in ways that extend beyond video creation. Here are the best ChatGPT prompts for YouTubers looking to increase their productivity, build community, and market their videos and business.

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Context matters: Customize these prompts, and make them your own to give AI the best chance to harness your unique genius.

Video: How to write better prompts for AI tools

To get the best results, you need enough structure and detail to help ChatGPT complete your task. 

Check out this video for secrets to writing the best instructions for your robot friends, or skip to the end of this guide for more prompting tips.


High-level summary of use ChatGPT cases for YouTubers

Here are a few quick prompts you can use to enhance your content ideation, planning, creation, and promotion.

Use CasePrompt Example
Developing a hub and spoke content strategy for topical SEO clusters

This involves using ChatGPT to brainstorm and strategize a “hub and spoke” content model, where a central piece of content (the “hub”) is supported by related content pieces (the “spokes”). This can improve a channel’s SEO by creating a topical cluster around a main keyword.

You are a creative strategist with expertise in SEO. Given the main topic [Digital Art Tutorials], generate a hub and spoke content strategy incorporating related subtopics.
Content Ideation and Planning

ChatGPT can be used for brainstorming video ideas, creating scripts, and content clustering. This enables the YouTuber to generate innovative content ideas quickly and automate the scripting process.

Inputs: Video theme, target audience, and previous successful content themes.

“You are a creative consultant for a [niche] YouTuber. Based on their target audience of [target audience] and their previously successful themes of [previous successful themes], please generate three unique video content ideas and a brief script for one of them.”
Video Promotion

ChatGPT can generate compelling promotional content for the video, like social media posts, email newsletters, or video descriptions. This helps the YouTuber reach a wider audience.

Inputs: Video theme, key points, and target platform.

“You are a marketing expert helping promote a [niche] YouTube video. The video’s key points are [key points]. Create a catchy post for [target platform] to attract viewers.”
Channel Growth

ChatGPT can provide strategies for growing the YouTube channel, like identifying collaboration opportunities or suggesting improvements. This helps the YouTuber to grow their subscriber base.

Inputs: Channel theme, current subscriber count, and channel goals.

You are a YouTube growth strategist for a [niche] channel. The channel currently has [current subscriber count] subscribers and aims to [channel goals]. Please suggest three strategies to reach this goal.
Responding to comments

ChatGPT can help respond to comments and posts, enhancing community engagement. This helps the YouTuber to maintain a strong connection with their audience.

Inputs: Comment or post content, commenter’s name, and video topic.

You are a community manager for a YouTube channel. Please respond to this comment from [commenter’s name] about: ‘[comment or post content]’.
Business Plan Creation

ChatGPT can generate a comprehensive business plan for YouTube channels, outlining the target audience, content strategy, branding, marketing, and monetization methods.

As a business strategist, create a comprehensive business plan for my YouTube channel. The channel is focused on [travel vlogging], primarily targeting [millennials], with an emphasis on [budget travel tips and destination guides].
Revenue Expansion Strategy

ChatGPT can suggest ways for YouTubers to diversify their income sources based on their content niche and audience.

Suggest different revenue expansion strategies for my [travel vlogging] YouTube channel targeted at [millennials]. Include ideas for selling merchandise, digital products, online courses, gaining sponsorships, and any other potential income sources.
Promotional Strategy for a Video

ChatGPT can help create a promotional strategy for a YouTube video that includes social media promotion, SEO optimization, collaborations, and more.

Devise a promotional strategy for my upcoming YouTube video titled [‘Top 10 Budget Travel Destinations for Millennials’]. The strategy should include promotion on [Instagram, Facebook, and travel forums], SEO optimization tips, and potential collaboration opportunities.
Promotional Strategy for a Video Series

ChatGPT can suggest a promotional strategy tailored to a series format, designed to maintain viewer interest throughout the series.

Design a promotional strategy for my upcoming YouTube series on [‘Budget Travel Guides for Major Cities Around the World’]. The strategy should include ways to promote and maintain viewer interest throughout the series, potential collaborations, and ideas for engaging with viewers across [Instagram, Facebook, and travel forums].


YouTube channel strategy and planning

All YouTubers know that there’s a lot more to building a successful channel than just uploading videos. YouTube channel management requires strategic planning and strong execution. This includes understanding your target audience, creating a consistent posting schedule, and optimizing your content to reach a wider audience — all things ChatGPT can support.

Audience analysis

You need a deep understanding of your audience to create content that resonates with them. ChatGPT can help analyze your target audience and suggest a suitable channel strategy that caters to their wants and needs.

Example prompt

“As an expert in audience analysis, please suggest a content strategy for a YouTube channel targeting [young professionals] interested in [personal finance and investment]. Identify their likely preferences, concerns, and areas of interest.”


Content schedule planning

Consistency is key on YouTube. Not only can ChatGPT help you be consistent by building out a content schedule, it will actually pull in data on the best days and times to post for maximum engagement.

Example prompt: 

“You are an expert in YouTube content strategy. Create a [3-month] content schedule for a [personal finance] YouTube channel, suggesting the best days and times to post for maximum engagement.”

Channel growth strategy

Many YouTube creators struggle with channel growth. Beyond creating great content, growing a YouTube channel requires a strategic approach. This might include collaborations with other creators, promotional tactics, viewer engagement strategies, or more. 

Example prompt: 

“You are a YouTube growth strategist. Suggest a [6-month] growth strategy for a [personal finance] YouTube channel, including potential collaboration opportunities, viewer engagement strategies, and promotional tactics.”


Monetization strategy

Monetizing a YouTube channel is the end goal for more creators. But this can be complex topic to navigate, with a number of monetization options available — ad revenue, sponsorships, and merchandising to name a few. Why not turn to ChatGPT for some guidance?

Example prompt: 

“You are an expert in YouTube monetization. Suggest a monetization strategy for a YouTube channel in the [personal finance] niche with [50,000] subscribers, considering ad revenue, sponsorships, and other potential revenue streams.”


Generating a business plan for a YouTuber

If your goal is to turn YouTube content creation into a business, you’ll need a plan. Your business plan should outline the channel’s target audience, content strategy, monetization methods, and marketing plans at a minimum. ChatGPT can generate a detailed business plan based on your inputs, giving you a great starting point on which to build.

Example prompt:

 “As a business strategist, create a comprehensive business plan for my YouTube channel. The channel is focused on [travel vlogging], primarily targeting [millennials], with an emphasis on [budget travel tips and destination guides]. Outline the target audience, content strategy, branding, marketing, and monetization methods.”


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Revenue expansion for a YouTuber

We mentioned a few monetization opportunities above, but that was really only the tip of the iceberg. Beyond ads and sponsorships, there’s online courses, consulting, and more. Diversifying income streams is a smart approach for any creator, so why not tap ChatGPT to suggest a few additional alternatives.

Example prompt:

“Suggest different revenue expansion strategies for my [travel vlogging] YouTube channel targeted at [millennials]. Include ideas for selling merchandise, digital products, online courses, gaining sponsorships, and any other potential income sources.”



Content ideation, creation, and production

For YouTubers, content creation is usually the fun part. What’s less fun is generating all of the ideas for new videos, turning them into scripts, editing the videos, and finally, publishing them. That’s a pile of work!

Audience Research Workbook

The ultimate goal of any YouTuber is to create engaging, entertaining, or informative content that resonates with their viewers and encourages them to subscribe, like, comment, and share the videos. AI tools can support the surrounding work so you can focus on the content creation.  

Video idea generation

ChatGPT can generate a near infinite number of fresh video ideas around whatever theme or topic you request. Having that inspiration at your fingertips is a powerful thing.

Example prompt: 

“You are a creative consultant specializing in ideation for [travel vlogging]. Generate [15] unique video content ideas that appeal to [globetrotters and travel enthusiasts].”


Video scripting

ChatGPT can construct a great first-draft script around your topics, allowing you to build off a solid base instead of starting at a blank page. You might be surprised at how well the tool captures your narrative and writes a script that flows.

Example prompts: 

  • “Your role is to create a script for a video titled ‘[Japan: Top 10 Must-Visit Destinations]’. The script should include a captivating introduction, detailed commentary on each location, and a conclusion that encourages viewers to [like, subscribe, and share].”
  • “Write a detailed script for a YouTube video titled ‘[Top 10 Budget Travel Destinations for College Students]’, including an introduction, a discussion on each destination, and a conclusion encouraging viewers to like and subscribe.”
  • “Write a detailed script for a [5] minute YouTube video titled ‘[Top 10 Budget Travel Destinations for College Students]’, including an introduction, a discussion on each destination, and a conclusion encouraging viewers to like and subscribe.”
  • “Develop a captivating script for a 2-minute video focused on [topic]. Please ensure it’s engaging and suitable for a diverse audience.”
  • “Help me craft a script for a [length] minute video on [topic]. The script should provide depth on the topic and maintain viewer interest.”
  • “Create a step-by-step instructional script for a ‘how-to’ video revolving around [topic]. The script should be easy to follow and informative.”
  • “Formulate a detailed script for a tutorial video on [specific topic]. Ensure that each step is clear and concise.”
  • “Write an unbiased and comprehensive script for a review video about [product/service]. It should cover key features, pros, cons, and personal experiences if possible.”
  • “Generate a script covering [topic] in a compelling and informative manner. The script should cater to both beginners and advanced viewers.”
  • “Compose a script for a video that provides useful and innovative tips for [specific subject].”
  • “Script a reaction video to [specific event/video/content]. It should include initial impressions, emotional responses, and thoughtful commentary.”
  • “Craft a humorous and engaging script for a parody video about [specific subject/person/event]. The content should be light-hearted yet respectful.”
  • “Conceive an intriguing script for a video about [specific topic]. It should captivate the audience from start to finish.”
  • “Form a script for a video that shares unique and effective tips and tricks for [specific subject or task]. The content should be user-friendly and practical.”
  • “Develop an enticing introductory script for my YouTube video, which focuses on [topic]. The intro should hook viewers and provide an overview of what’s to come.”
  • “Create a compelling and comprehensive outro script for my YouTube video about [topic]. It should summarize key points and include a strong call-to-action. Here is the key topics we covered: [key topic1,key topic 2, key topic 3]”


YouTube Storyboard Creation

ChatGPT can help in outlining a comprehensive storyboard for your YouTube video. A well-planned storyboard ensures your video is cohesive, engaging, and achieves its intended purpose.

Inputs: Video purpose, target audience, video duration, key messages, and visual or auditory elements.

Example prompt: 

“You are assisting me in creating a storyboard for my upcoming YouTube video. The video’s purpose is to for my target audience of [target audience]. The video should be approximately long, and convey the following key messages: [key messages]. Please incorporate the following visual/auditory elements in the storyboard: [visual/auditory elements].”


Video production planning

Planning the production of a video involves deciding on the location, camera angles, props, lighting, and more. Worried you’re forgetting something? ChatGPT can provide a comprehensive production plan so you can double-check your work.

Example prompt: 

“Create a production plan for a video titled ‘[DIY Home Decor Ideas]’, which includes advice on the setting, camera angles, props, and lighting.”


Video editing guidelines

Editing is a crucial part of any video production. Often it’s the most time-consuming part of being a YouTuber. If you don’t love editing or want to build that skillset, ChatGPT can act as a guide.

Example prompt:

“Provide guidelines and tips for editing a [cooking tutorial] video to ensure it is engaging, visually appealing, and easy to follow for viewers.”


Video titles, descriptions, and thumbnails

ChatGPT can suggest engaging and SEO-friendly titles and provide guidelines for designing effective thumbnails related to your topic.

Example prompt sequence:

Try doing these two in order.

1. Title and Description with key points“Your task is to create an engaging and SEO-friendly title and description for a video focusing on [budget travel tips]. Please utilize the key points and learning objectives from the video: [key points and learning objectives]”
2. Title and thumbnail guidelines“Next, provide guidelines for designing an effective thumbnail for the YouTube video on [budget travel tips]. Don’t give generic advice, offer specific thumbnail recommendations based on the topic of the video.”


Related: The 10 Best AI Image Generators for Creators

Midjourney prompt templates

If you want to take this a step further, you can use ChatGPT and Midjourney combined to generate your thumbnail image.

  1. Identify the Theme: Identify the key theme or subject of your video content. Ie. For a gaming video, the theme could be “Minecraft Survival Mode”.
  2. Choose the Style: Pick a style that aligns with your branding or video vibe. You can opt for an artist’s style, genre, or lighting property. Considering our Minecraft example, you might choose a ‘pixel art’ style to match the game’s aesthetics.
  3. Craft Your Prompt: Your thumbnail prompt should be descriptive and capture the essence of your video. Think about the scene or key moment you want to depict. You might also use keywords for resolution, aspect ratio, and details.
  4. Add Extras: If you want to increase the abstraction, add the ‘chaos’ option. To stylize the output, use the ‘stylize’ option.
  5. Exclude Unwanted Elements: If there’s something you don’t want in the image, use the ‘–no’ option to exclude it. For example. If we don’t want any creepers in our Minecraft thumbnail, we’d include ‘–no creeper’

Here is a ChatGPT Template you can use to generate a detailed Midjourney Prompt:

As an AI, I want you to generate a midjourney prompt for creating a YouTube thumbnail.
The video is about a {DIY tutorial on making wooden furniture}.
The video style is {rustic and cozy}.
The key elements to include in the thumbnail are the {finished wooden furniture piece, woodworking tools, and a warm workshop setting}.
And I want to exclude{any modern or metallic elements.}
I want a stylization level of {700}.
And the aspect ratio should be {16:9}
Based on this, the generated Midjourney prompt could look like something like this:
/imagine finished wooden furniture with woodworking tools in a warm workshop rustic style –s 700 –ar 16:9 –no modern –no metallic


To give you a sense of what’s possible, here are some other examples of YouTube Thumbnail Image Prompts using Midjourney:

For a Cooking Video/imagine delicious homemade lasagna bubbling in a rustic kitchen –s 800 –ar 16:9 –no fork
For a Travel Vlog/imagine stunning sunset view from the top of Eiffel tower Paris travel style –s 700 –ar 16:9 –no crowd
For a Tech Review Video/imagine new iPhone 14 hovering over a sleek modern desk tech style –s 900 –ar 16:9 –no clutter
For a Fitness Tutorial/imagine a fit woman performing a perfect yoga pose in a peaceful beach setting –s 750 –ar 16:9 –no bystanders
For a DIY Craft Video/imagine handmade wooden birdhouse painted with bright colors against a spring backdrop –s 650 –ar 16:9 –no tools


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Marketing and collaboration

There are a bunch of ways YouTubers can market their channels, one of which is collaborating with other creators to increase their reach. 

Collaboration proposal

ChatGPT can help YouTubers find and secure collaborations with other creators by crafting compelling collaboration proposals. These collaborations expose you to a wider audience that is more receptive to your content because of the existing trust they have in the other YouTuber.

Example prompts: 

“Draft a proposal for a collaboration with the travel YouTuber [insert YouTuber’s name], where we create a video on [budget travel tips for students].”

Generating a promotional strategy for a YouTube video

Promoting a YouTube video effectively requires a well-planned strategy. ChatGPT can help you create a promotional strategy that includes social media promotion, SEO optimization, collaborations, and other marketing channels.

Example prompt: 

“Devise a promotional strategy for my upcoming YouTube video titled [‘Top 10 Budget Travel Destinations for Millennials’]. The strategy should include promotion on [Instagram, Facebook, and travel forums], SEO optimization tips, and potential collaboration opportunities.”


Generating a promotional strategy for a YouTube video series

Promoting a single video is one thing; promoting an entire series requires a different approach. Ultimately the goal of a series is often to get people to the next video, and that requires you to maintain viewer interest over time. The good news is ChatGPT can also suggest a promotional strategy tailored to a series format.

Example prompt: 

“Design a promotional strategy for my upcoming YouTube series on [‘Budget Travel Guides for Major Cities Around the World’]. The strategy should include ways to promote and maintain viewer interest throughout the series, potential collaborations, and ideas for engaging with viewers across [Instagram, Facebook, and travel forums].”


SEO optimization

Optimizing video content for both YouTube search and Google search can significantly improve its visibility. ChatGPT can suggest SEO strategies, including keyword recommendations and metadata optimization, to help you get more viewers for your content.

Example prompt: 

“You are an SEO expert. Suggest an SEO strategy for a YouTube video titled ‘[Investing for Beginners]’, including [3-5] keyword recommendations and suggestions for optimizing the title, tags, and description.”



Estimating Monetization Potential

ChatGPT can help calculate your potential earnings from various monetization methods. Having a clear understanding of your income streams allows you to make informed decisions about channel growth and strategies.

Inputs: Average views per video, subscriber count, audience demographics, and engagement rate.

Example prompt:

Based on my YouTube channel’s average views per video of [average views], a subscriber count of [subscriber count], audience demographics of [audience demographics], and an engagement rate of [engagement rate], please estimate my potential earnings from ads, sponsorships, and channel memberships. Feel free to suggest other revenue sources for my channel, and their potential earnings. Please include at least one table and multiple subheadings.

Outreach to Potential Sponsors

ChatGPT can assist in creating a compelling outreach message to potential sponsors. A well-structured and personalized pitch can increase the likelihood of securing brand collaborations.

Inputs: Information about the brand, your channel details, audience demographics, and why your audience is a good fit for the brand.

Example prompt:

“You are helping me draft an outreach email to [Brand Name]. My YouTube channel focuses on [your channel details] and my audience is primarily [audience demographics]. Explain why a collaboration with my channel would benefit their brand and align with their target audience. Here’s some information about what they sell, and their target audience: [what they sell, who their customers are]


Developing a Plan to Sell Channel Merchandise

ChatGPT can help you create a strategic plan for selling merchandise to your audience. This provides an additional revenue stream to diversify your income.

Inputs: Information about your audience, type of merchandise to sell, price points, and promotional strategy.

Example prompt: 

“You are helping me create a plan to sell merchandise for my YouTube channel. My audience is [audience information], and I’m planning to sell [type of merchandise] at a price point of [price points]. Provide a plan including how I can promote this merchandise effectively to my audience. Please also suggest other merchandise that I can sell.”


Community engagement

Want your audience to keep coming back? You need to engage with them. Respond to comments, address viewer feedback, and interact with the community to build loyalty and help your channel grow.

Responding to comments

Do you struggle to craft responses that don’t feel repetitive? ChatGPT can draft friendly and engaging responses to viewer comments, boosting viewer interaction.

Example prompt:

“Generate a friendly and engaging response to a viewer’s comment that reads, ‘[I love your travel videos! Can you do a video on budget travel tips?]'”


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Tips on Crafting Powerful ChatGPT Prompts

Creating a well-structured request

A few key components of a good prompt are the Role, Task, and Criteria.

To understand how they work, imagine it this way:

  • The role is like opening a drawer in your filing cabinet
  • The task is opening a file in that drawer and accessing the information in it
  • Criteria is how it’s treating that file, like what it’s pulling and how it’s formatted.

Here’s a cheat sheet you can use as a template to build your prompts:

A table breaking down the key components of a strong ChatGPT Prompt, including 🛠️ Role and TaskDefining AI's expertise & the job it is doing for you. and 📋 Criteria Requirements, format, outline,examples, inputs
Source: 🔗

For example, putting these together:

You are an expert content marketer
Please create a content outline
For a blog post on Lead generation with content marketing
Please include the suggested title, description, and an outline of the content
Here are some key tips I’d like to share, and points I’d like to make: Point 1, Point 2, Point 3

Don’t make these mistakes with your prompts

  • Don’t rehash, remix, or repurpose work that isn’t yours Beyond legal and ethical questions, ripping other people’s work will only get you to parity. ChatGPT is only powerful as an augment to your expertise.
  • Don’t squeeze too much into one request It’ll do 1-3 things much better than it can do 5+ things. There will always be way to break a large job down into smaller jobs.
  • Don’t make ChatGPT freestyle – The tool is trained on the state of the internet as of 2021. That means giving it full creative license will get you to parity as of two years ago.

This article was originally published May 2023, and was updated July 2023 with more useful ChatGPT prompting tips.