This content was created from a previous year of Think in Color. Register for the on-demand replays here!
Have you ever struggled with generating ideas for YouTube content?
Not in the sense that you have no idea what to make a video about.
But rather, that you have TOO MANY ideas?
With a vast amount of different topics to choose from, it can be an incredibly frustrating process.
How do you know which topics are going to strike a chord with your audience, and which ones are going to fall flat?
Shooting videos on random topics can sometimes feel like you’re venturing into unknown territory blindfolded.
The good news is, LaTisha Styles is a master of this domain.
As an avid user of YouTube marketing strategies to sell online courses, we invited her to share her tips on how she knows with certainty what videos to create, every single time.
She’s the founder of, where she specializes in providing service-based entrepreneurs with the tools to succeed in the digital marketing space. She is also the host of her Get Coaching Clients community on Facebook, which currently sits at 2,200 members and continues to grow.
Learn how to create content based on your customers’ journey, and how to create video scripts that sell your online course with precision:
The Underlying Motivation Behind All Internet Searches
The first thing that LaTisha wants to bring to your attention are the two components that form the basis of all human behavior on the Internet.
When it comes to people spending their time on the Internet, or in this case YouTube, search intent all boils down to two categories of motivation:
- Education – they have a desire to learn something, either for personal interest or to solve a painful problem
- Entertainment – they want to laugh, socialize, or seek pleasure
When it comes to creating video content on YouTube, it’s important that you either aim to educate your audience, entertain them, or ideally, both.
With this in mind, LaTisha also highlights that it’s not the views that matter. In other words, you don’t need a lot of views to earn money from YouTube with online courses.
Rather, it’s about really understanding what your target audience is looking for, and how to satisfy that need for them through your content.
To highlight this concept, LaTisha shares her own YouTube playlist on how to create webinars as an example. Even though she has only accumulated a total of 75 views across these 10 videos, she’s been able to generate thousands of dollars in sales for her online course “You’ve Got Clients”.
By understanding how to find the right information that people want around your topic, you’ll set yourself up to succeed in monetizing your YouTube channel.
Google And YouTube ‘Hacks’ To Validate Your Content
To pinpoint exactly what topics you should create your content on, LaTisha uses a couple of Google and YouTube ‘hacks’.
For example, one of her strategies with Google is to search for what she thinks her audience is searching for, in relation to her topic.
While this may seem basic, it’s a very effective way of ensuring you hit the nail on the head every time, when planning what content to create next.
Because even though you may think you know your topic inside out and what people are searching for, it may not necessarily be the same topic that your audience is thinking of.
People think and use words in different ways. So it’s critical to ensure that you speak in your audience’s language.
After conducting a generic search on her topic, she then:
- Sees what topics are trending (see her video to learn her filtering process for trending topics!)
- Analyses related searches (i.e. what other keywords people are typing into Google)
- Uses plugins to analyze the search volume of keywords
Another strategy that LaTisha uses is conducting searches on YouTube.
And while it largely works the same as Google, there are some minor differences in how you conduct your research.
For example, to identify video trends, LaTisha uses a different filtering process, which includes looking at factors such as:
- Video length
- Search ranking
- Number of subscribers
- View count
LaTisha demonstrates these processes in more detail in her video, so watch it above to learn more!
Want a roadmap to help implement what you learn from LaTisha? Download our FREE guide below to walk you through the five foundational steps to getting started with online courses as a video creator!
5 Steps To Creating The Right Videos For YouTube Monetization
So now you know how LaTisha validates her content.
How does it fit in with the overall process of creating YouTube content to sell online courses?
LaTisha shares her 5-step process here:
1) Brain Dump A Cluster Of Topics
The first step is to do a brain dump of everything your audience needs to know in order to succeed in your topic area.
Keep in mind the three fundamental motivations people have for searching on the internet. With your purpose set to educate and entertain your audience, ask yourself the following questions:
- What questions might your audience have?
- What actions does your audience need to take?
- What things does your audience need to understand, know, and be familiar with before they realize that purchasing your online course is a great option?
- What are some things about your topic that your audience may not know, and would find entertaining or shocking to learn about?
To assist you with that process, LaTisha recommends using a mind mapping software.
2) Order Those Topics In Sequence
Once you’ve done a brain dump of as many ideas as you can, it’s time to put them in order!
From start to finish, what’s the first step or topic that your audience needs to know about? What’s next?
Ask yourself these questions until you have a sequence laid out.
The reason behind this is to help your audience understand that there is a process to what they want to learn – something that pre-frames them into wanting to learn more, and purchasing your online course.
3) Create Your Final Recap Video
Gathering all your topics in sequence from Step 1, the next step is to create a video where you recap the entire process you’ve listed out in your YouTube videos so far, referring back to each one as you walk your audience through it.
Bonus Tip: If you already have an online course with a set procedure that takes your audience from Point A to B, it’s a good idea to start with this video, and branch out ideas for topics to shoot videos on using the mind mapping software that LaTisha recommends in her video!
4) Research Keywords and Keyword Phrases On Google And YouTube
This is where the magic happens.
As mentioned above, LaTisha conducts research using these platforms’ search bars.
5) Shoot Videos And Publish
Once she’s got her videos outlined and validated, LaTisha then batch records her videos, ready to publish and help sell her courses – both directly and indirectly.
To watch LaTisha break down how she carries out this 5-step process on her own channel as an example, watch the video above.
Your BONUS Free Gift – LaTisha’s YouTube Content Planner
As a gift to summit attendees, LaTisha is offering her YouTube Content Planner for free. To get your copy, head to the link she mentions at the end of the video above!
LaTisha offers aYouTube Strategies Masterclass course on Thinkific, where she goes into even more detail on how to implement these strategies in your business. To connect with LaTisha Styles or find out more about her programs, visit